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AbstractEnemyShip - Class in gameobjects
This abstract class defines a base enemy ships.
AbstractEnemyShip(int, String, AbstractGameObject, Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class gameobjects.AbstractEnemyShip
This constructor takes HP, sprite location, target, and position
AbstractGameObject - Class in gameobjects
This class provides implmentation to the interface GameObject.
AbstractGameObject(int, String) - Constructor for class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This constructor creates a game object with given HP and sprite location
AbstractShip - Class in gameobjects
This abstract class defines a basic ship.
AbstractShip(int, String) - Constructor for class gameobjects.AbstractShip
The constructor takes HP and sptire location
addBullet(Shooter) - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method creates a bullet with a given shooter and then adds it to the game objects.
addGameObject(AbstractGameObject) - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method adds a game object to the appropriate list.


backgroundLocation - Static variable in class rendering.GameWindow
Bullet - Class in gameobjects
This class defines a bullet.
Bullet(Shooter) - Constructor for class gameobjects.Bullet
The constructor only takes a shooter


checkEndCondition() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method checks the state of the win/lose conditions for the current mode
cleanUp() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method is called when game is over.
cleanUp() - Method in class rendering.GameWindow.GamePanel
This method cleans up after a game is done.
coolDownTime - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
coolDownTime - Static variable in class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip


draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This method draws the object.
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method draws the object.


ENDLESS_MODE - Static variable in class engine.GameEngine
engine - package engine


finalScore - Static variable in class tier.GameTier
FollowerEnemyShip - Class in gameobjects
This class defines an enemy type.
FollowerEnemyShip(int, String, AbstractGameObject, Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip
This constructor takes HP, sprite location, target, and position
FollowerEnemyShip(AbstractGameObject, Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip
This is the same constructor but it sets HP and sprite location to the static variables of those values


GameEngine - Class in engine
This class acts as the engine of the game.
GameEngine(GameWindow, int, String) - Constructor for class engine.GameEngine
This constructor creates a game in the given window with the given number of enemies and in the specified game mode It creates ArrayLists with initial estimations of size and creates a player and spawn enemies.
GameEngine(GameWindow, int) - Constructor for class engine.GameEngine
This constructor creates a game in the given window with the given number of enemies and in the default game mode Limited.
gameEngine - Static variable in class tier.GameTier
gameMode - Variable in class engine.GameEngine
GameObject - Interface in gameobjects
This interface defines many of any game object methods.
gameobjects - package gameobjects
GamePanel() - Constructor for class rendering.GameWindow.GamePanel
This constructor initlizes GamePanel and adds listeners
GameTier - Class in tier
Class that ties the game parts together (engine and window).
GameTier() - Constructor for class tier.GameTier
gameWindow - Variable in class engine.GameEngine
GameWindow - Class in rendering
Class that handles the window, including the menus and the game scene.
GameWindow() - Constructor for class rendering.GameWindow
This constructor specifies the frame's values and adds all the panels in a cardlayout.
gameWindow - Static variable in class tier.GameTier
GameWindow.GamePanel - Class in rendering
This inner class is the actual game panel.
getCenter() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getCenter() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method gets the center as a point.
getDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getDirection() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method gets the direction as a point.
getGameObjects() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method returns the game objects list.
getGameWindow() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method returns the actual game panel.
getHealthPoints() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getHealthPoints() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method returns the number of HP.
getHeight() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getHeight() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method gets the height of the sprite.
getImage() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getImage() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method gets the sprite (BufferedImage).
getInGamePanel() - Method in class rendering.GameWindow
This method is used to get the actual game panel.
getKillCount() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method returns the kill count.
getPlayer() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method return the palyer.
getPosition() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getPosition() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the position.
getShooter() - Method in class gameobjects.Bullet
This method returns the shooter to custody
getWidth() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getWidth() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method gets the width of the sptie.
getXCenter() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getXCenter() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method gets the center on x-axis.
getXDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getXDirection() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the directoin on x-axis.
getXPosition() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getXPosition() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the position on x-axis.
getXVelocity() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getXVelocity() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the velocity on x-axis.
getYCenter() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getYCenter() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the center on y-axis.
getYDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getYDirection() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the directoin on y-axis.
getYPosition() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getYPosition() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the position on y-axis.
getYVelocity() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
getYVelocity() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method get the velocity on y-axis.
gotHit() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This method is called if the object got hit, decreasing it's HP by 1.
gotHit() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
The method informs the object that it's been hit to take appropriate action.


healthPoints - Static variable in class gameobjects.Bullet
healthPoints - Static variable in class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip
healthPoints - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
healthPoints - Static variable in class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip


imageLocation - Static variable in class gameobjects.Bullet
imageLocation - Static variable in class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip
imageLocation - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
imageLocation - Static variable in class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip
imagesFolder - Static variable in class tier.GameTier
initializeGamePlayValues(int, int, int, double, long, long) - Static method in class tier.GameTier
This method initlized gameplay values and sprite locations.
initializeLocation() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractEnemyShip
This method sets the initial location of the ship to the passed location by the constructor, allowing random location generation.
initializeLocation() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
initializeLocation() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractShip
initializeLocation() - Method in class gameobjects.Bullet
This method sets location on the center of the shooter.
initializeLocation() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method is called when a game object is created and is ready to be given a location on a panel.
initializeLocation() - Method in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
This mehod makes the player start at the center
isDead() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This method checks if an object is dead.
isDead() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method checks whether the object is dead or not.
isRunning - Static variable in class tier.GameTier


LIMITED_MODE - Static variable in class engine.GameEngine
LOST - Static variable in class engine.GameEngine
lost() - Method in class rendering.GameWindow
This method is run after a loss.


main(String[]) - Static method in class tier.GameTier
makeDead() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This method makes te object dead.
makeDead() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method makes the object dead.
manDown(AbstractGameObject) - Method in class engine.GameEngine
The method is called by an object if it's dead.
maxXVelocity - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
maxYVelocity - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
move() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This method moves the object.
move() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method moves the object.
moveDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractEnemyShip
This method makes it so the ship always points toward its target's center
moveDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
moveDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractShip
moveDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.Bullet
This method overrides moveDirection() as to not do anything.
moveDirection() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method moves the object only in terms of direction (rotation).
moveDirection() - Method in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
This method makes the player directoin the same as the mouse
movementKeyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
This method handles key controls for movement.
movementKeyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
This method handles key controls for stoppig movement.
movePosition() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
movePosition() - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractShip
Moves the position of the ship by increasing position with velocity.
movePosition() - Method in class gameobjects.Bullet
Moves the position of the bullet by increasing its position with the fixed velocity.
movePosition() - Method in class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip
This method makes this ship changes position toward its target, following it
movePosition() - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method moves the object only in term of position.
movePosition() - Method in class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip
This method is empty.


next() - Method in class engine.RandomLocation
This method is used to get the next random unique location If the list is exhausted it goes the other way.
notifyObjectsOfWindow() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method passes the game window (actually game panel) to a static reference in AbstractGameObject to be used by all game objects.
notifyWindowOfObjects() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method passes the game objects to the window.
notifyWindowOfPlayer() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method passes the player to the window.
numberOfEnemies - Static variable in class tier.GameTier


paint(Graphics) - Method in class rendering.GameWindow.GamePanel
This method overrides paint(g) to paint the background, HP, score, and game objects.
panel - Static variable in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
PlayerShip - Class in gameobjects
This class defines a ship that's controlled by a player and can shoot.
PlayerShip() - Constructor for class gameobjects.PlayerShip
This constructor sets HP and sprite locatoin from static game play values


RandomLocation - Class in engine
This class is used to get a number of random unique locations in an area.
rendering - package rendering


setBackgroundLocation(String) - Method in class rendering.GameWindow
This method sets the background given a location.
setDirection(Point2D) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setDirection(Point2D) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the direction from a point.
setDirectionToward(Point2D) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
This method sets the directoin toward a point.
setDirectionToward(Point2D) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the directoin toward a point.
setGameObjects(ArrayList<AbstractGameObject>) - Method in class rendering.GameWindow.GamePanel
This method sets the game objects.
setGameObjects(ArrayList<AbstractGameObject>) - Method in class rendering.GameWindow
This method passes the game objects list to the game panel.
setHealthPoints(int) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setHealthPoints(int) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the number of HP.
setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the sprite (BufferedImage).
setImageLocation(String) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setImageLocation(String) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the sprite given the location of the image.
setPlayer(PlayerShip) - Method in class rendering.GameWindow.GamePanel
This method sets the player and calculates the appropriate location for HP and score to be painted.
setPlayer(PlayerShip) - Method in class rendering.GameWindow
This method passes the player to the game panel.
setPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setPosition(Point2D.Double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the position.
setXDirection(double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setXDirection(double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the directoin on x-axis.
setXPosition(double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setXPosition(double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the position on x-axis.
setXVelocity(double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setXVelocity(double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the velocity on x-axis.
setYDirection(double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setYDirection(double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the directoin on y-axis.
setYPosition(double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setYPosition(double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the position on y-axis.
setYVelocity(double) - Method in class gameobjects.AbstractGameObject
setYVelocity(double) - Method in interface gameobjects.GameObject
This method sets the velocity on y-axis.
shoot() - Method in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
This method is responisble for firing bullets.
shoot() - Method in interface gameobjects.Shooter
This method is responisble for firing bullets.
shoot() - Method in class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip
This method is responisble for firing bullets.
Shooter - Interface in gameobjects
This interface defines the shooting functions.
ShooterEnemyShip - Class in gameobjects
This class defines an enemy type.
ShooterEnemyShip(int, String, AbstractGameObject, Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip
This constructor takes HP, sprite location, target, and position
ShooterEnemyShip(AbstractGameObject, Point2D.Double) - Constructor for class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip
This is the same constructor but it sets HP and sprite location to the static variables of those values
startGame(String, String) - Static method in class tier.GameTier
This method is used to start the game.
STILL_GOING - Static variable in class engine.GameEngine


tier - package tier
timeToShoot() - Method in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
timeToShoot() - Method in interface gameobjects.Shooter
This method checks if it's time for the shooter to shoot or if it's still cooling down.
timeToShoot() - Method in class gameobjects.ShooterEnemyShip


update() - Method in class engine.GameEngine
This method updates the game.


WON - Static variable in class engine.GameEngine
won() - Method in class rendering.GameWindow
This method is run after a win.


xAcceleration - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
xVelocity - Static variable in class gameobjects.Bullet
xVelocity - Static variable in class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip


yAcceleration - Static variable in class gameobjects.PlayerShip
yVelocity - Static variable in class gameobjects.Bullet
yVelocity - Static variable in class gameobjects.FollowerEnemyShip
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